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5 Ways to Improve Your Web Security

Sometimes the simplest solutions to problems are the best. You understand the need of protecting your website from hackers, but if you go down the rabbit hole of website vulnerabilities, you will encounter complex concepts and convoluted remedies. Still, there are some basic best practices to follow in order to improve the security of your website. Here are eight critical things you can take right now to secure your website:

Always keep your software up to date.

It’s critical to keep all of the platforms and scripts you’ve installed up to current. Hackers actively seek security loopholes in popular web software, and the programs must be updated to remedy security gaps. It is critical to maintain and update all software products that you utilize.

Have a Strict Password Policy

It is critical to use secure passwords. To crack passwords, hackers typically use sophisticated software that employs brute force. Passwords should be complicated, incorporating uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits, and special characters, to prevent brute force attacks. Passwords must be at least ten characters long. This password policy should be followed throughout your company.

Use a Secure Host

Choosing a secure and reliable web hosting business is critical to the security of your website. Make certain that the host you select is aware of potential risks and committed to keeping your website secure. In the event that your website is hacked, your host should back up your data to a distant server and make it simple to restore it. Choose a host who provides ongoing technical help as needed. For our customers, CommonPlaces provides secure, dependable hosting.

Maintain Your Website’s Files

Every database, program, or plugin on your website is a potential access point for hackers. You should remove any no longer used files, databases, or software from your website. It is also critical to maintain your file structure structured in order to keep track of changes and eliminate obsolete files.

Backup your data.

Backup, backup, backup!  Regularly!  Backups of all of your website files should be kept in case your site becomes inaccessible or your data is destroyed. Although your web host provider should back up their own servers, you should still backup your files on a regular basis. Some content management systems feature plugins or extensions that can back up your site automatically, and you should be able to back up databases and content manually as well.